Common name: Pine processionary moth
Scientific name: Thaumetopoea pityocampa Orders: Lepidoptera
Affects: Pine forests
Main season: All year round
General Information
The Pine processionary moth is a defoliating insect that feeds on all species of pine trees and cedars. This species is distributed throughout the Mediterranean, and is present all over the Iberian Peninsula.
Their distribution is limited due to climate, therefore areas with winter temperatures below -12 o C prevent their development.
It has been demonstrated that when their feeding activity is very intense, it can diminish the growth of some species of pine trees. This is more serious in young pine trees with a lower height or smaller size than in older trees.
In addition, the forests defoliated by the Pine processionary moth present a distressing aspect and can become impassable and impede or complicate forestry work because of the urticaria produced by the caterpillars.
Morphology y biology
When the Pine processionary is in the moth stage, the wingspan in females can reach between 36-49 mm. The forewings are an ash-grey colour with darker veins, margins and three transverse bands.
The hindwings are white with grey fringes and a characteristic grey-brown spot in the anal region. They have greyish hairs covering the thorax. The abdomen is cylindrical, stout and its last segments are covered with a tuft of golden scales.
The adult males have a wingspan between 31-39 mm and have lots of hairs on the thorax. The abdomen is also very hairy, conical and slightly thinner than the females.
The hindwings are the same as the females, whereas the forewings are a grey colour varying in intensity and in this case, the three transverse bands are much darker and more visible than the females.
Depending on the weather between June and September, the Pine processionary moth lays its eggs on the pine needles. The number of eggs laid varies between 120 and 300. They are protected by the scales of the abdomen, making it look like a cigar covering the needles.
Adult male
Adult female
The caterpillars take 30 to 40 days to be born and immediately after hatching they start to feed on the pine needles near to where they emerged from, establishing a permanent contact with their siblings, which is something that will endure throughout their larval life. The caterpillars go through 5 larval stages, with social and gregarious behaviour. With each moult the larva increases in size, increasing also the size and density of the nests. A recently hatched caterpillar measures around 2.5 mm, growing up to 3 or 4 cm before pupating.
The caterpillars develop urticarial hairs as a defence mechanism from stage 3, which happens around the beginning of Winter.
The temperature greatly influences the biological cycle of this insect. When the temperature on the inside of the nest is between 20 and 25 o C the caterpillars develop normally. With temperatures higher than 30o C, the egg laying should happen approximately one month before the temperatures begin to drop below 30o C. In cold areas the egg laying is brought forward compared to the warmer areas.
They also have a lethal inferior threshold; with temperatures lower than 10o C eon the inside of the nest the colony activity stops, so that when the nights are very cold, the caterpillars come out to feed during the day. Below -12o C entire colonies can die. Between 10 and 20o C, the caterpillars carry on feeding and sewing their nests, but do not progress in their development.
Symtoms and damages
The Pine processionary moth produces two types of damage: the first, affecting trees and causing the loss of pine needles. This is because the caterpillars feed on the pine and cedar needles in Winter.
The most significant damage they cause is at the end of Winter to the middle of Spring, when the caterpillars are bigger and more voracious.
The larvae from the 3rd to the 5th stage are highly allergenic. They can even produce severe allergic reactions in people and animals.
Thaumetopoea pityocampa nests
Life cycle
Necessary material
We need an
ECONEX G TRAP and a pheromone diffuser ECONEX THAUMETOPOEA PITYOCAMPA 60 DAYS or ECONEX THAUMETOPOEA PITYOCAMPA 200 DAYS, certified diffusers for use in ecological agriculture with a field duration of 60 and 200 days respectively.
Sexual pheromone diffuser of the species Thaumetopoea pityocampa to attract males, with a duration of 60 days in normal field conditions.
Code: UIPHOVA153 OMDF register number (Ministry of Agriculture of Spain): 054/2014
ECONEX THAUMETOPOEA PITYOCAMPA 200 DAYS Sexual pheromone diffuser of the species Thaumetopoea pityocampa to attract males, with a duration of 200 days in normal field conditions.
Code: UIPHOVA331 OMDF register number (Ministry of Agriculture of Spain): 112/2016
The ECONEX G TRAP has a large capacity and is used for the capture of male Pine processionary moths (Thaumetopoea pityocampa).
The body of the trap is a dark brown and opaque plastic box, which is slightly rough on the outside and smooth inside. The entrance funnels are extended with flaps, that limit the area inside the body of the trap to a very small size.
The male, attracted by the pheromone diffuser, enters the trap and falls into the bag from where he cannot escape.
The lower part of the bag is dark brown, to prevent the birds from seeing the captured insects and breaking into it to feed on them.
ECONEX G TRAP Trap for the capture of lepidopterans such as haumetopoea pityocampa and Lymantria dispar.
Code: UIPFETA028 OMDF register number (Ministry of Agriculture of Spain): 106/2014
On the inside of the trap the pheromone diffuser is hung from the stopper cap using a paper clip, which is located in the upper part of the trap.
The ECONEX G TRAP consists of a body with 2 hangers, a special bag, a plastic clamp for attaching the bag and a stopper to hang the pheromone diffuser.
Code: UIPFETA150
Code: UIPFETA031
Code: UIPFETA162
Code: UIPFETA034
Code: UIPFETA032
Detection and monitoring
A minimum of 1 ECONEX G TRAP should be placed per plot and up to 1 trap per 9 hectares. The traps should be hung from the pine trees or on a support for this purpose.
For extensive monitoring, the number of traps per surface is increased according to the location and uniformity of the plots. A maximum density of 3 traps per hectare is to be used.
Period of use
DIn general, the flight of the adult Pine processionary moth takes place between the months of June and September.
In Spring, observation traps should be placed using 1 or 2 traps per plot to detect the pest and observe its population levels.
Through tolerance thresholds established in each area, the moment to adopt control measures is later defined.
Factors that influence the number of traps needed
The pest population, the connection to other pine trees, the level of control needed, etc.
An important factor is the size of the pine forest. A greater number of traps is needed in smaller and irregular forests than on plots with a larger and more uniform surface area.
In cases like this, the borders around the plots have to be reinforced. It may be necessary to place up to 3 traps per hectare for extensive monitoring purposes.
Storing the diffusers
The diffusers must be stored in their original packaging in a cool and dry place and separated from food and drinks.
To preserve the diffusers for long periods of time, it is recommended to keep them in the refrigerator at 4o C in which case they will last for 2 years. Or they can be kept in the freezer at -20o C for 4 years.
Ecological trap
Does not include pesticides
Suitable for biocontrol
Large capacity trap
Easy placement and handling
Adaptable to all types of pine trees
Collared trap intended to capture the pine processionary caterpillar, Thaumetopoea pityocampa, as they descend the trunk of trees.
Code: UIPFETA241
Nº de registro OMDF (Ministerio de Agricultura de España): 066/2020
Collared trap intended to capture the pine processionary caterpillar, Thaumetopoea pityocampa, as they descend the trunk of trees.
Code: UIPFETA376
Nº de registro OMDF (Ministerio de Agricultura de España): 066/2020
The processionary caterpillars produce two types of damage. Firstly, the caterpillars affect the trees and cause the loss of needles, because they feed on the pine and cedar needles from the end of Winter to the middle of Spring.
Secondly, the caterpillars are highly allergenic, capable of producing severe allergic reactions in people and animals, as well as in forest areas, parks and gardens.
The PROCESSIONARYTRAPNEX® L trap is designed to capture caterpillars of the Pine processionary Thaumetopoea pityocampa, where they have made nests.
The aggregative and social behaviour of this species is used to capture the entire group of caterpillars when they travel to the ground to bury and pupate.
The trap consists of a black PET sheet measuring 150 x 25 cm and 0.3 mm thick, and a rectangular polyurethane foam bar measuring 7 x 6 cm x 150 cm long, with a corrugated tube through its middle part which connects to a polyethylene bag with an opaque lower half.
The black sheet is covered on the inside with a film of contact glue (without solvents) to facilitate assembly and to deter the processionary caterpillars from climbing up the sheet. This way, they are forced to descend through the tube towards the bag, where they are retained.
Activation of the trap
Identify the trees with active nests of processionary caterpillars, making sure they have not yet descended. Carefully read the instructions that are included with the trap.
Remove the protective paper from the sheet. Stick the foam bar on the bottom of the sheet, taking care that the bag stays approximately in the centre. Position the foam bar and bag around the tree and mark the excess foam on the overlapping part. Only cut the excess foam, DO NOT CUT THE SHEET.
Install the trap around the trunk, so that the foam bar completely surrounds the perimeter of the tree, with no gaps, sticking the sheet to the overlapping part. The bag should be more or less centred. Secure the overlapping part with staples both on the top and the bottom. Check that the foam fits to the trunk by looking from below. If there are any noticeable gaps, fill them with the remaining foam.
The trap is suitable for pine trees with a trunk perimeter that is less than 130 cm. For trees with a perimeter greater than 110 cm, use two or more sheets and foam bars. The sheets should overlap by at least 15 cm and the overlap must be secured with staples.
Safety tips: Handle the trap with protective gloves. In case of handling without protective gloves, wash hands after use. If the caterpillars are inside the trap, handle with extreme care: WEAR A PROTECTIVE FACE MASK. AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN.
The biological cycle of bats overlaps perfectly with that of the Pine processionary moth. The adult moths start to fly and reproduce between June and September, a period in which most species of Chiroptera have finished rearing their young.
EIt is at this time of year when there is a high predation of insects due to: a greater abundance of bats, when the young born at the beginning of Summer join the adult population; the elevated energy requirements of the females and the young, the former to recover from nursing their young and the latter to invest in their rapid growth that allows them to successfully survive the winter period.
The trophic resources consumed by bats depend on the type of habitat, the abundance of different insect species, the time of year, etc.
Studies carried out about the eating habits of Nyctalus leisleri show that an important part of their diet is based on the consumption of lepidopterans (13-46%) (Sullivan et al. 1993; Waters et al. 1999). These results are important for our objective. Nyctalus leisleri is a forest species whose presence on the Mediterranean coast has been confirmed.
The activity of this species starts very early, when it is not yet dark, coinciding with the active hours of the Pine processionary moth ( Thaumetopoea pityocampa). The forest character, the type of trophic resources it consumes and the behaviour of Nyctalus leisleri increase the probability of capturing Pine processionary moths.
In the case of Pipistrellus pipistrellus, the moths to not constitute a large proportion of their food supply, accounting for approximately 1% to 5% of their diet (Hoare 1991; Sullivan et al. 1993).
It should be noted that the trophic studies of Pipistrellus pipistrellus previously mentioned, have been carried out in Nordic regions where the number of Lepidopterans is scarce and with possible significant differences regarding the feeding behaviour of the Mediterranean populations. On the other hand, it should also be taken into consideration that Pipistrellus pipistrellus is an ubiquitous species and does not select its prey or their size. This means that they feed on the insects which in each period of the year are in abundance (Swift et al. 1985).
This characteristic is very important, given that it plays a regulatory role with regards to the demography of insect populations.
Most of the species detected in Spain have a preference for hunting in forest areas, clearings and woodland edges. They also visit to a lesser extent, cultivated fields and urban areas, where they can be seen capturing their prey around the lights.
Their hunting areas are usually not located very far from the roosting sites they use, except for the species Tadarida teniotis, which is capable of travelling very long distances and hunting at high altitudes (even at 300m from the ground).
Most species of Chiropterans can potentially occupy the bat boxes, even though some of them are not in forests. For example, the fissuricultural species and often anthropophilic Pipistrellus pipistrellus and Pipistrellus kuhlii; and the forest bats Hypsugo savii, Nyctalus leisleri and Nyctalus lasiopterus can settle in the bat boxes placed for them.
SOURCES: Luis Núñez Vázquez del Servicio de Sanidad Forestal de las Islas Baleares. Oscar de Paz y David Almenar – Sociedad Española para la Conservación y el Estudio de los Murciélagos (SECEMU). Departamento de Zoología y Antropología Física. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) Egoitz Salsamendi, Joxerra Aihartza, Urtzi Goiti y Inazio Garin del Departamento de Zoología y Dinámica Animal Celular, Universidad del País Vasco.
The ECONEX SHELTER FOR BATS and the ECONEX SOLID WOOD SHELTER FOR BATS, is made of high-resistance wood and specially designed to be able to be hung, withstand the elements, and constitutes good insulation. The wood is not treated due to the sensitivity of bats to toxic products.
It can be placed both in recreational areas, such as parks and gardens, and in crop plots, to encourage the nesting and shelter of bats, which in turn will reduce the number of insect pests.
Code: UIPFETA359
MEDIDAS: Ancho: 23 cm / Fondo: 15 cm / Alto: 42,5 cm
Entrada y salida del refugio: 20 x 5 cm.
Peso: 2,83 Kg.
Code: UIPFETA336
MEDIDAS: Ancho: 22 cm / Fondo: 48 cm / Alto: 53 cm
Entrada y salida del refugio:
Peso: 11,20 Kg
ECONEX SOLID WOOD SHELTER FOR BAT COLONIES is designed to house a large number of bats, often hundreds. Therefore, its size is considerably larger than ECONEX SOLID WOOD SHELTER FOR BATS or ECONEX SHELTER FOR BATS.
For placement, it is recommended to use larger structures, such as abandoned buildings, natural caves or constructions specifically designed to accommodate large populations of bats.
Bat colony roosts provide a suitable environment for bats to gather, breed, and overwinter together.
What is a bat box
Not all bats spend the day in caves. They tend to use the gaps in trees for shelter, as well as abandoned mines, buildings, bridges and many other places. In fact, the great variety of bats reflects the incredible diversity of species that exist.
Bats are very opportunistic and have adapted to their environment in creative ways to take advantage of the multitude of shelters available to them. However, humans frequent the areas where bats live, altering or destroying their habitats.
Bat boxes make a really comfortable home for many species of bats. It is a way of providing much needed shelter for the only species of flying mammals, who are in decline all over the world.
Why should i hang bat boxes
Bats are an important part of our ecosystem. European bats are essentially insectivores and, in areas where their population levels are of great significance, they provide a considerable decrease in pest populations.
For example, just one bat can capture up to 1,200 mosquitoes in an hour. However, human activities (both unseen and targeted) have led to a drastic decline in bat populations in recent years. The bat is a very misunderstood animal, even though it plays a key role in nature.
If it disappears, there will be significant changes to the ecosystem.
Monitoring bat boxes
The lack of suitable shelters for breeding in recent reforestations or young woods, significantly affects the quantity and distribution of Chiropteran forest species.
By installing the specific boxes for Chiropterans, it will allow for the reproduction of this species inside.
Monitoring the occupancy of the boxes will also help to evaluate the population levels of the forest bats.
Placing the bat boxes
The position of the boxes will depend very much on the area, latitude and the average temperature, etc. Generally, it is recommended to install the boxes in areas with 5 to 7 hours of sunlight.
Taking into consideration that the period of occupancy by bats inside the boxes (May – September) corresponds to the hottest time of year. It is not advisable to install the boxes facing South, unless the branches and leaves protect them from sun exposure.
If that is the case, it is possible the shelters will reach temperatures that are not ideal for their colonisation.
The benefits of insectivorous birds
It is possible to maintain the natural biological balance in forests through the use of all those biological resources that nature has to offer us.
The insectivorous birds whose role within the forest balance, as regulators of the pest phenomenon is well known. It has been one of the most studied entomophagous animal groups. Some of these birds, such as the Woodpeckers build nests with their powerful beaks. Tits, Chickadees, Nuthatches, Redstarts and Old World flycatchers, etc. are troglodytes.
This means, that they use the natural gaps and thick branches in trees to make nests and protect themselves from bad weather or their predators.
The importance of these birds is clearly demonstrated by having studied the stomachs of Blue tits, in which large quantities of Tortrix viridiana or Catocala sp. caterpillars were found, amongst others. Also, Pine processionary caterpillars ( Thaumetopoea pityocampa) in their first stages are often found in the stomachs of insectivores studied from Autumn to Winter.
It has been estimated that the amount of insects consumed by a pair of these birds in a year can be up to 5 kg.
These results demonstrate the usefulness of these birds in maintaining the natural biological balance in forests, which in itself justifies the placement of artificial nests in forests. These nests successfully compensate for the lack of natural gaps in trees.
Therefore, achieving a general increase in the population levels of insectivorous birds, including their stability and survival in the forest ecosystem, as well as the resulting benefit it represents in the fight against harmful insects.
Using the nesting box for birds
The nests are used in campaigns to protect insectivorous birds, by encouraging their populations through the installation of nests.
The use of nests is widespread amongst Conservationist Societies, Environmental Groups, Universities, Vocational Colleges, Town Councils, Education Centres, Summer Camps, Nature Study Centres, Youth Groups and in general, any individual that is interested.
Placing the nesting box for birds
There are no fixed rules regarding the most suitable location the entrance hole to the nest has to have, as it depends on each specific location. The East and South orientations are most common. Orientations frequently exposed to very strong winds, storms or any other unfavourable weather conditions should be avoided.
In order to prevent the nests from slipping, it is advisable to install them between the secondary branches or the fork of a tree. The height of the location seems to be irrelevant with regard to the occupancy of the birds, although in public places it is recommended to raise the nest up to a minimum of 4 or 5 metres from the ground.
The most suitable time to install the nests is in late Autumn, so that the birds can use them as protection from the winter weather. Furthermore, by already being familiarised with the forest, they will be easily accepted to nest in the following Spring.
Code: UIPFETA356
MEDIDAS: Ancho: 19 cm / Fondo: 25 cm / Alto: 26 cm
Orificio de entrada al nidal: 3 cm
Soporte en la entrada: 2,5 cm de largo y 0,8 cm de diámetro.
Peso: 2,95 Kg
The ECONEX SOLID WOOD NEST FOR INSECTIVOROUS BIRDS (Code: UIPFETA356) have an interior platform to facilitate access for birds, also providing additional protection to the nest.
Code: UIPFETA357
MEDIDAS: Ancho: 17,5 cm / Fondo: 18,5 cm / Alto: 26 cm
Orificio de entrada al nidal: 3 cm
Soporte en la entrada: 1,4 cm de alto, 9,5 cm de ancho y 1 cm de fondo.
Peso: 2,27 Kg
Packaging diffuser
Corrugated cardboard box of 400 units (20 packs of 20 units)
Box size: 0.32×0.24×0.22 m (length x width x height)
Box weight: 1.5 kg
Pack of 20 units
Box with 400 units. (20 packs x 20 units)
Corrugated cardboard box of 400 units (20 packs of 20 units)
Box size: 0.32×0.24×0.22 m (length x width x height)
Box weight: 1.6 kg
Pack with 20 units.
Box with 400 units. (20 packs x 20 units)
ECONEX G TRAP packaging
Corrugated cardboard box with 18 traps.
Box measurements: 0.60×0.40×0.35 m (length x width x height).
Box weight: 9.5 kg
Nº of boxes per pallet: 20
Pallet measurements: 1.20 x 0.80 x 1.95 m (length x width x height).
Pallet weight: 200 kg
Box with 18 units.
Corrugated cardboard box with 10 units.
Box measurements: 0.80×0.60×0.48 m (length x width x height).
Box weight: 9.5 kg
Nº of boxes per pallet: 8
Pallet measurements: 1.20 x 0.80 x 2.05 m (length x width x height).
Pallet weight: 86 kg
Box with 10 units.
Corrugated cardboard box with 20 units.
Box measurements: 0.80×0.60×0.48 m (length x width x height).
Box weight: 10,20 kg
Nº of boxes per pallet: 8
Pallet measurements: 1.20 x 0.80 x 2.05 m (length x width x height).
Pallet weight: 91,6 kg
Box with 20 units.
Nesting and shelter box packaging
Corrugated cardboard box with 6 units.
Box measurements: 0.60×0.40×0.35 m (length x width x height).
Box weight: 8.5 kg
Nº of boxes per pallet: 20
Pallet measurements: 1.20 x 0.80 x 1.95 m (length x width x height).
Pallet weight: 180 kg
Box with 6 units.
Corrugated cardboard box with 6 units.
Box measurements: 0.60×0.40×0.35 m (length x width x height).
Box weight: 8.5 kg
Nº of boxes per pallet: 20
Pallet measurements: 1.20 x 0.80 x 1.95 m (length x width x height).
Pallet weight: 180 kg
Box with 6 units.
Corrugated cardboard box with 20 units.
Box measurements: 0.60×0.80×0.48 m (length x width x height).
Box weight: 27,95 kg
Nº of boxes per pallet: 8
Pallet measurements: 0,80 x 1,20 x 2,05 m (length x width x height).
Pallet weight: 234 kg
Box with 20 units.
Corrugated cardboard box with 20 units.
Box measurements: 0,60 x 0,80 x 0,48 m (length x width x height).
Box weight: 22,70 kg
Nº of boxes per pallet: 8
Pallet measurements: 0,80 x 1,20 x 2,05 m (length x width x height).
Pallet weight: 192 kg
Box with 20 units.
Recommended Information:
Catalogue in PDF format with an extension of 94 pages.
It is an essential work of reference to understand the biological behaviour of the main species of forest insects and the solutions given by ECONEX to respond effectively to the problems created by them through the use of traps and specific attractants.
Leaflet in PDF format that can be downloaded by clicking on the image.
Leaflet in PDF format that can be downloaded by clicking on the image.
Leaflet in PDF format that can be downloaded by clicking on the image.
The leaflet can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking on the image.
Specific website for ECONEX solutions for green areas that you can access by clicking on the image.
Specific website for ECONEX solutions for green areas that you can access by clicking on the image.
ECONEX puts at your disposal the first open knowledge center that brings together everything necessary to implement pest biocontrol in your crops. We have developed different types of resources to share with you the knowledge we have acquired during our more than 38 years of experience. Each of them is designed to respond, in the best possible way, to different questions related to pheromones, attractants, repellents and insect traps.
To access ECONEX LEARNING CENTER click on the image.
SANIDAD AGRÍCOLA ECONEX, S.L. only guarantees the composition, formulation and content of the products, taking responsibility for the direct, immediate and exclusive damages caused in the composition, formulation and content
of the products sold. SANIDAD AGRÍCOLA ECONEX, S.L. will not be held responsible for damages produced by factors beyond the company’s control that have either totally or partially contributed. For instance, the weather
conditions, usage or mixing with other products, amongst others. In addition, SANIDAD AGRÍCOLA ECONEX, S.L. will provide recommendations and information supported by extensive and meticulous research and tests; which
must be taken into account by the customer when using the products. The customer will be responsible for any damage caused, in whole or in part, for the total or partial non-observance of the instructions provided. Furthermore, the
customer will be responsible for all that is referred to as the performance of the products; which comes from total or partial non-observance of the instructions and information provided by the company.